Original Air Date: January 26, 1996
Directed by: Rob Bowman
This review contains an implied Kitty Carnage Warning!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) investigate a series of mysterious deaths surrounding a small town high school.
Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): A detective named Angela White (Dana Wheeler-Nicholson) helps Mulder and Scully in their investigate. Mulder goes to her house and the scene opens with an extreme close up of a ginger tabby cat. Oddly enough the cat’s face is pulled through the crook of an arm to give him or her a bizarre look.

We then see it is Mulder who is holding the cat. When Angela opens the door she asks, “What are you doing with my cat?” Mulder explains the cat was scratching to get in and that with the killings going on in town she might want to keep the cat inside. He hands her the cat and she sets it down inside the door.

Implied Kitty Carnage Warning! The cat is not seen again after this, although its collar does show up, indicating the cat was indeed killed.

Final Mewsings: What have killers got against cats?
Many thanks to Stevie Holcomb for letting us know about the cat in this episode!
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