The Year My Voice Broke (1987)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: John Duigan

Synopsis: This coming of age film set in New South Wales, Australia, finds teenager Danny (Noah Taylor) having a crush on his older, longtime playmate Freya (Loene Carmen) who in turn falls for a Trevor (Ben Mendelsohn), an older boy heading down a criminal path.

Purr Blur: Danny is hanging around outside Freya’s house hoping to catch a glimpse of her undressing. The scene begins with a shot of a calico kitten on the roof of the house. The camera then pans down to Danny looking at Freya through the window.

The Year My Voice Broke - calico kitten on roof
The Year My Voice Broke - calico kitten on roof
The Year My Voice Broke - calico kitten on roof animated gif

Final Mewsings: Thankfully the roof was not a hot tin one!

Many thanks to Ben Saddington for letting us know about the kitten in this film.

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