by Mark Murton
Original Title: Esta Noite Encarnarei No Teu Cadáver
Directed by: José Mojica Marins
Synopsis: Zé do Caixão (José Mojica Marins) survives the first film (At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul) and in court is absolved from his crimes. He moves to another small town, with his deformed hunchback minion Bruno in tow, still seeking the perfect woman to deliver him a son.
Kitty Cameo: As part of his quest, Zé abducts six women from the village and subjects them to a test to see which one has the most courage, the clear winner is Marcia (Nadia Freitas) and he tells her to go to his bedroom. As he joins her there she is cuddling a black and white cat.

As Zé approaches her she lets the cat drop to the floor. The cat wisely does not return.

Final Mewsings: Cats are a cost effective way to enhance low budget films.
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