Three Magic Words (1939)

Directed by: Al Christie

Synopsis: Mrs. Newlywed faces the daunting prospect of preparing a last minute meal for her husband’s friends but is helped by three musical men who extoll to her the virtues of pork through song and cooking lessons.

Purr Blur: When the meal is prepared the doorbell rings and Mrs. Newlywed rushes to answer it. As she runs she removes her apron and throws it aside, where it lands on a nearby longhair calico cat.

Three Magic Words - longhair tuxedo cat sitting on floor
Three Magic Words - longhair tuxedo cat on floor with apron over top
Three Magic Words - Mrs. Newlywed tosses apron over longhair tuxedo cat sitting on floor animated gif

Final Mewsings: Does this mean the cat isn’t invited to dinner?

Many thanks to Jon R. Kennedy for letting us know about the cat in this short!

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