Original Air Date: January 22, 1962
Starring: Boris Karloff, Nancy Kelly, David McLean, James Griffith
Guest Starring: Baba
Directed by: Herschel Daugherty
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains minor spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: Janet Willsom (Nancy Kelly) returns to her isolated home on the night of a terrible storm and spends some nerve-wracking moments waiting for her husband (David McLean) to arrive while dealing with power outages, things that go bump in the night, a perpetually frightened cat . . . and the body of a woman she discovers in her cellar.
Cinema Cat: The black cat featured in this episode, as Boris Karloff explains is named Baba, is featured throughout the episode and shines in his performance. He is at first a comfort to Janet, especially when she is trying to get rid of the persistent cab driver (James Griffith) who doesn’t want to leave her alone. But as the night wears on Baba seems to react with terror to everything, causing Janet’s nerves to become even more frayed. She finally puts him outside on the porch when an owl (or the branch the owl is sitting on) breaks a window in the living room and frightens the cat even more. Later when she discovers the cat is back inside (along with some wet footprints) she realizes she is not alone. A very exciting and suspense-filled episode.

Final Mewsings: Cats have every reason to be afraid of storms and killers (not to mention huge owls.)
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