Time Out for Trouble (1961)

University of Oklahoma
 Bonnie Hammett, John Nesom, Stephen Bell, Richard Bell
Narrator: Alice Spann
Directed by: David S. Glidden

Synopsis: A cautionary tale of a wicked clock (voiced by Alice Spann), given to a couple by the husband’s mother, who utlizes the tendency of humans to react without thinking in order to cause accidents to the wife, Jane (Bonnie Hammett.)

Kitty Cameo: At one point the clock supposedly causes a distraction by having the family’s dog, Tiger, bark at a small black cat he has chased up a tree.  But this time Jane is smart enough not to rush outside, avoiding yet another accident.

Time Out for Trouble cat

Final Mewsings: Cats would agree that dogs are accidents just waiting to happen.

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