Directed by: Michael Lembeck
This review contains a very slight Kitty Carnage Warning!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Hockey star Derek (Dwayne Johnson) finds himself in an unusual situation when he’s sentenced to perform Tooth Fairy duties for one week.
Kitty Cameo: During his training, Derek visits a fairy named Jerry (Billy Crystal) who gives him some tools of the trade. One is a blaster called a Cat Away. Derek comes across his first cat while trying to get a tooth from a home. The tabby cat is sleeping as Jerry sneaks by.

After scaring the boy in bed, Derek tries to escape, only to find the same tabby cat blocking his way. The cat has an angry expression on its face, achieved with CGI.

Derek hides and then uses a miniature skateboard to vault past the cat.

The cat chases him down the hall.

Derek manages to outrun the cat and duck around a corner. As the huge cat approaches, Derek readies his Cat Away.

Slight Kitty Carnage Warning: The cat peers around the corner and Derek hits the button, releasing a very loud horn sound. The cat leaps straight up into the air (achieved with special effects) and runs away.

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t deserve to be scared by tooth fairies.
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