Trader Hound (1931)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Zion Myers, Jules White

Synopsis: In this Dogville comedy entry, an all-canine cast spoofs the film Trader Horn. On top of the already questionable treatment of dogs in these shorts, this one has the addition of racially insensitive stereotypes.

Kitty Cameo: In one scene a couple of dogs are painted to resemble hyenas with laughter dubbed over their panting. A tabby kitten is shown arching his back and hissing with the roar of a lion dubbed over. This sends the hyena dogs running.

Trader Hound - tabby kitten on grass
Trader Hound - tabby kitten arching back on grass
Trader Hound - tabby kitten arching back on grass
Trader Hound - tabby kitten arching back and hissing at two dogs dressed as hyenas who run away animated gif

Final Mewsings: Thankfully cats were not a regular part of this series.

Many thanks to Jon R. Kennedy for letting us know about the cat in this short.

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