Uncle Buck (1989)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: John Hughes

Synopsis: When confirmed bachelor Buck Russell (John Candy) is called upon to care for his brother’s kids during an emergency, he finds himself re-evaluating his fear of commitment.

Kitty Cameo: In one scene Uncle Buck is struggling with a feisty black and white cat outside the home. He asks the cat what it’s doing outside yowling and drags the writhing animal into the house.

Uncle Buck - John Candy wrestling outside house at night with tuxedo cat
Uncle Buck - John Candy wrestling outside house at night with tuxedo cat

We hear Buck call to the kids, “Who let the cat out?” “We don’t have a cat!” comes the answer. The front door re-opens and Buck chucks the cat back outside then realizes he has been locked out.

Uncle Buck - John Candy placing tuxedo cat outside house at night
Uncle Buck - John Candy dragging tuxedo cat into house then throwing him back out animated gif

Final Mewsings: You can’t make a house pet out of an unwilling cat.

Many thanks to Erin T. Aardvark for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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