by Linda Kay
Directed by: Barry Levinson
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Political spin master Conrad Brean (Robert De Niro) enlists the aid of Hollywood producer Stanley Motss (Dustin Hoffman) to help create a faux international crisis in order to distract voters from a scandal involving the incumbent President.
Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): It is decided that a video will be produced showing a young female refugee running from a terrorist attack in Albania, footage which is to be created inside a studio. A young actress named Tracy (Kirsten Dunst) is cast for the part and Motss insists that she be carrying a kitten in the clip. Instead of kittens the animal wranglers bring a selection of dogs and Motss is angry, demanding a kitten. A couple of cats and kittens are then produced but Motss is not happy with any of them.

It is decided the cat will be superimposed into the footage instead and Tracy is given a bag of Doritos to hold as a substitute. “Can I hold the kitten?” she asks. “No,” Motss informs her. In the editing bay, the technical wizards bring up their library of digital cats.

The team debate on various elements to include in the blue screen footage around Tracy as video footage of cats roll on the screen.

Motss decides a calico kitten is what the scene needs and the techs punch in a calico cat.

However the President is on the phone and demands that a white kitten be used, so Motss reluctantly gives in and they bring up a white cat instead.

The final footage shows Tracy carrying the white cat (not a kitten) while “escaping” from the supposed attack. The cats and dogs were provided by Birds and Animals, Unlimited.

Final Mewsings: Actors should go on strike when they are not allowed to hold kittens!
Many thanks to vivimayhem for letting us know about the cats in this film.
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