Walk of Shame (2014)

Walk of Shame DVD

Sidney Kimmel Entertainment
 Elizabeth Banks, James Marsden
Directed by: Steven Brill

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Meghan Miles (Elizabeth Banks) is a straight-laced local L.A. news anchor whose dream of working at a national news desk seem smashed, so she indulges in a crazy night which leaves her stranded in downtown L.A. only to find she has landed the job and has only a few hours to report for work.

Cat Credits: During the opening credits a variety of news bloopers are shown.  The last of these is of Meghan reporting from the ASPCA for a pet adoption fair.  A variety of cats are seen outside their cages.

Walk of Shame - cats at pet fair on news

Meghan is holding a cat when it starts to attack her.

Walk of Shame - Meghan Elizabeth Banks holding tabby cat

Cats fly everywhere, one jumping right at the camera.

Walk of Shame - cats flying at Elizabeth Banks and at camera animated gif

Featured Feline: It is explained that cats don’t like Meghan and this comes up again when she spends the night with Gordon (James Marsden), the bartender from the club where she and her girlfriends have been partying.  As Meghan tries to leave the apartment she’s stopped by Gordon’s female cat, who jumps up on a table in front of her.

Walk of Shame - tabby cat on table

Walk of Shame - Meghan Elizabeth Banks facing tabby cat

The cat looks at her crazily and Meghan manages to put a wooden box over her.

Walk of Shame - tabby cat with crazy eyes

Walk of Shame - Meghan Elizabeth Banks putting wooden box over tabby cat

Moments later Meghan turns and the cat is sitting on top of the box.  The cat then goes after her but she makes it out of the door.

Walk of Shame - Meghan Elizabeth sees tabby cat on top of box

Walk of Shame - tabby cat on top of box

Walk of Shame - tabby cat at door

Later the cat is seen sniffing at an open can of beer.  Gordon wakes up to find Meghan gone.

Walk of Shame - tabby cat sniffing at can of beer

When Meghan’s girlfriends show up to talk to Gordon, one of them comments on how he has a cat.  Gordon explains that she was a rescue animal.

Walk of Shame - tabby cat walking along window

Final Mewsings: Life is more difficult if you can’t get along with cats.

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