Walk Proud (1979)

Directed by: Robert Collins

Synopsis: Emilio Mendez (Robby Benson) is torn between his loyalty to Los Aztecas, a tough Chicano street gang in Venice Beach, and his newfound love Sarah (Sarah Holcomb).

Purr Blur: Emilio is working on a car and talking to Cowboy (Domingo Ambriz) about an upcoming robbery. As they talk, a tabby cat walks away down the alley behind them.

Walk Proud - tabby cat walking in alley behind Emilio Robby Benson and Cowboy Domingo Ambriz
Walk Proud - tabby cat walking in alley behind Emilio Robby Benson and Cowboy Domingo Ambriz
Walk Proud - tabby cat walking in alley behind Emilio Robby Benson and Cowboy Domingo Ambriz animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats walk proudly out of bad movies.

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