Directed by: Neil Jordan
This review contains a mild Kitty Carnage Warning!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Ned (Robert DeNiro) and Jim (Sean Penn) are escaped convicts who avoid being caught by posing as priests.
Kitty Cameo: Ned slips into a blacksmith’s shop and grabs some cutters to remove the manacles on his ankles. A dark grey long-haired cat watches as he does this.

The cat sits to the side preening as Ned works on his task.

Eventually Ned makes a noise, alerting the lawman who has arrived. Ned looks over and notices the cat.

Mild Kitty Carnage Warning! Thinking quickly, Ned grabs the cat and fakes a meow, then tosses the cat into the open. The cat quickly scurries away. The lawman assumes the cat made the noise and doesn’t investigate further. The way DeNiro throws the cat puts the poor animal in an odd position for landing, hence the mild Kitty Carnage Warning.

Final Mewsings: How many cats can say they were tossed by Robert DeNiro?
Many thanks to Nick Wale for letting us know about the cat in this movie!
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