Directed by: Victor Fleming
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Daniel Brown (Douglas Fairbanks) is a superstitious, nervous man who is manipulated by Dr. Ulrich Metz (Herbert Grimwood), an unscrupulous psychiatrist.
Kitty Cameos: Since Dr. Metz is literally trying to drive Daniel crazy, he exploits the man’s superstitions, one of which is about black cats crossing his path. A black cat is used on the title card to indicate something is about to happen in the next scene.

As he prepares to enter a building, a black cat runs across Daniel’s path and up the front steps. Daniel then climbs up the side of a building to get inside, all to avoid walking where the cat has crossed in front of him.

Late in the film Daniel has overcome his fears and boldly leaps past the spot where two black cats have crossed.

Finally during a flood a black cat is seen standing on a floating board with some chickens.

Final Mewsings: Cats bringing bad luck is all in the mind.
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