Winter Kills (1979)

Directed by: William Richert

This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Nick Kegan (Jeff Bridges) tries to find out who really assassinated the former President, his brother.

Kitty Cameo: In one scene Nick meets with a gangster named Irving Mentor (Irving Selbst) in the back of a deli. He offers Nick cream for his coffee, which Nick refuses. Irving puts some cream in his coffee and they proceed to talk. At one point Irving gets up to leave but Nick stops him. A tortoiseshell cat then appears and laps up the cream from the container.

Winter Kills - tortoiseshell cat on table
Winter Kills - tortoiseshell cat on table with nose in cream

Kitty Carnage Warning! Sitting back down, Irving shoos the cat away. At the end of the conversation both men get up to leave. Irving then notices the cat dead on the floor, obviously poisoned by the cream.

Winter Kills - tortoiseshell cat dead on floor of deli

Final Mewsings: Cats should never drink cream served to gangsters.

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