1945 (2017)

Directed by: Ferenc Török

Synopsis: It is August 12, 1945 when two Jewish men arrive in a Hungarian village, leading to paranoia about their intentions.

Purr Blurs: A wedding is going to take place in the town that day but the bride-to-be Rozsi (Dora Sztarenki) seems more interested in her former boyfriend Jancsi (Tamas Szabo Kimmel). She watches as Jancsi washes in a yard. Behind him is a tabby and white cat.

1945 - Jancsi Tamas Szabo Kimmel washing outside with tabby and white cat behind
1945 - Jancsi Tamas Szabo Kimmel washing outside with tabby and white cat behind
1945 - tabby and white cat sitting in yard

Later the bride is running through the village. A tabby sees her coming and hurries to get out of her way.

1945 - Rozsi Dora Sztarenki running down lane towards tabby cat
1945 - tabby cat running away from Rozsi Dora Sztarenki coming down lane

Final Mewsings: Cats know to steer clear of running brides.

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