The Leopard Man (1943)

Directed by: Jacques Tourneur

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A talent agent named Jerry (Dennis O’Keefe) hires a black leopard for his client Kiki (Jean Brooks) to use in her act in New Mexico but the animal escapes and several women are later found mauled.

Kitty Cameo: A rival act is Spanish dancer Clo-Clo (Margo) who has a fortune teller friend named Maria (Isabel Jewell). In one scene Maria is sitting with a white cat as Clo-Clo looks in the window.

The Leopard Man - Clo-Clo Margo looking in window at Maria Isabel Jewell and white cat

The cat jumps down as Clo-Clo enters the store and is not seen again.

The Leopard Man - Maria Isabel Jewell sitting with white cat
The Leopard Man - Maria Isabel Jewell sitting with white cat about to jump off table

Final Mewsings: Cats are just tiny leopards at heart.

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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