Pick a Star (1937)

Directed by: Edward Sedgwick

This review contains a very slight Kitty Carnage Warning!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoiler for this film!

Synopsis: Cecilia Moore (Rosina Lawrence) is a small-town girl who longs for Hollywood fame and her admirer Joe Jenkins (Jack Haley) is determined to make her dreams come true.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Joe travels to Hollywood to try to make contacts that will help get Cecilia discovered. He takes a job as a waiter in a nightclub and is grinding some meat while telling he co-worker Tony (Benny Burt) about his plans. A black kitten suddenly appears without either men noticing.

Pick a Star - black kitten climbing up on table
Pick a Star - black kitten on table

The kitten starts sniffing around the meat as Joe absent-mindedly reaches down and picks it up by the scruff.

Pick a Star - black kitten sniffing at meat by grinder with Joe Jack Haley and Tony Benny Burt
Pick a Star - black kitten sniffing at meat about to be picked up by Joe Jack Haley with Tony Benny Burt
Pick a Star - black kitten picked up by scruff by Joe Jack Haley with Tony Benny Burt

Joe is about to feed the kitten into the grinder when Tony exclaims, “Hey, Joe! What you doing with the pussycat? Where’s your brains?” Joe sets the cat down beneath the table when their boss approaches.

Pick a Star - black kitten picked up by scruff by Joe Jack Haley about to be put into meat grinder with Tony Benny Burt
Pick a Star - black kitten picked up by scruff by Joe Jack Haley about to be put into meat grinder with Tony Benny Burt
Pick a Star - black kitten held by Joe Jack Haley with Tony Benny Burt
Pick a Star - black kitten picked up by scruff by Joe Jack Haley about to be put into meat grinder with Tony Benny Burt animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats prefer not to be part of the today’s special.

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