Bimbo’s Express (1931)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Dave Fleischer

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: It’s moving day for Betty Boop (voiced by Mae Questel) so Bimbo (voiced by Billy Murray) and his associates show up in a wagon ready to do the job.

Cartoon Cat: Bimbo’s pals are Harold Hippo (looking a bit more like a gorilla in this short) and a black cat. They are riding in the back of the moving wagon as it bounces along. The cat keeps getting smashed against the wall by Harold so he finally grabs hold of a rope handle and swings outside with each sway to avoid being squashed.

Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat and Harold Hippo on back of wagon
Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat and Harold Hippo on back of wagon

Once they reach Betty’s house they must wait for her to get dressed. The cat and Harold pace on the sidwalk, the cat walking easily underneath Harold’s legs.

Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat and Harold Hippo standing on sidewalk
Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat and Harold Hippo pacing on sidewalk

The work of packing the wagon begins and the cat carries a bird cage. Instead of walking down the stairs he slides down the banister.

Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat sliding down stair banister holding birdcage
Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat sliding down stair banister holding birdcage

Both the cat and the bird enjoy the ride so much they decide to climb the stairs and come down again!

Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat looking into birdcage
Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat sliding down stair banister holding birdcage

Next the cat enters the bathroom and exits carrying a bathtub full of water as well as a bather.

Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat walking toward bathroom
Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat carrying full bathtub with dog bather on his back

Lastly the cat moves the entire staircase out the door.

Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat about to lift staircase

The wagon starts the journey to the new residence (just around the corner) and Harold and the cat get a much needed nap on top of the pile of furnishings.

Bimbo's Express - cartoon black cat sleeping on rocking chair balanced on top of loaded wagon

Final Mewsings: In real life cats probably won’t help you move.

Many thanks to Wahrhaftig for letting us know about the cat in this short.

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