All Dogs Go to Heaven (1989)

Directed by: Don Bluth

Synopsis: Charlie (voiced by Burt Reynolds) is a rascally German Shepherd caught up in gambling schemes that get him knocked off. Escaping from Heaven, he vows revenge on those who wronged him. Instead he is won over by a little girl named Ann-Marie (voiced by Judith Barsi) whom he rescues from his former partner.

Cartoon Cat: After Charlie manages to escape from Heaven he returns to his body which happens to be under water. A cat with a furless tail is scrounging fish bones on a dock when he hears a noise.

All Dogs Go to Heaven - cartoon cat with no fur on tail with fishbone on dock
All Dogs Go to Heaven - cartoon cat with no fur on tail with fishbone on dock
All Dogs Go to Heaven - cartoon cat with no fur on tail dropping fishbone on dock animated gif

Crawling to the edge of the pier to investigate, the cat is startled into a Poor Cat Screech when Charlie emerges gasping for air.

All Dogs Go to Heaven - cartoon cat with no fur on tail looking over edge of dock
All Dogs Go to Heaven - cartoon cat with no fur on tail being startled by German Shepherd Charlie coming out of water
All Dogs Go to Heaven - cartoon cat with no fur on tail being startled by German Shepherd Charlie coming out of water
All Dogs Go to Heaven - cartoon cat with no fur on tail being startled by German Shepherd Charlie coming out of water animated gif

Final Mewsings: All cats are startled by dogs who come back from Heaven.

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