by Ted Davis
Also Known As: The Fabulous Baron Munchausen
Directed by: Karel Zeman
Synopsis: When young cosmonaut Tonik (Rudolf Jelinek) lands on the moon, he is astonished to find a group of eccentrics which includes the fabulous adventurer Baron Prasil (Milos Kopecky) waiting to greet him. The occasionally ridiculous, but always chivalrous Baron recruits Tonik, who he believes to be a moon-man, to accompany him on his journey back to Earth, there to vie for the favors of beautiful sloe-eyed Princess Bianca di Castelo Nero (Jana Brevchova).
Cartoon Cats: During the extended rescue of the princess, two clearly animated and vocal black cats are seen communing nose to nose on top of a columned arch.

Kitty Cameo: A short time later, a yellow eyed black cat, among other human and animal life, flees the burning city of Constantinople.

Final Mewsings: Cats are known to lead wildly adventurous lives, too!
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