Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (1927)

Original Title: Berlin – Die Sinfonie der Großstadt

Directed by: Walther Ruttmann

Synopsis: A fascinating look at a day in the city of Berlin through footage set to music.

Reality Cats: A few cats are seen throughout the film. In the morning segment, a black and white cat is walking down a sidewalk, pausing momentarily to sniff at something.

Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - black and white cat walking on sidewalk
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - black and white cat sniffing at sidewalk
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - black and white cat walking on sidewalk
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - black and white cat walking down sidewalk animated gif

Also in the morning segment is a small black cat who appears as a man is emptying a bucket of water into the street. The cat moves on as a man mounts a bicycle in the background and rides away.

Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - black cat on sidewalk in front of man with bucket
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - black cat on sidewalk as man pours bucket of water into street
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - black cat on sidewalk as man pours bucket of water into street animated gif
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - black cat starting to cross street

The poorer side of town is represented by a tabby cat looking in a garbage can for food.

Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - tabby cat on garbage can
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - tabby cat on garbage can
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - tabby cat sniffing at contents of garbage can animated gif

Purr Blur: Harder to spot is a tabby and white cat behind a man who is sweeping.

Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - tabby and white cat behind men who are sweeping
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City - tabby and white cat behind men who are sweeping

Final Mewsings: All great cities include cats!

Many thanks to Jon Kennedy for letting us know about the cats in this film.

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