Blood Harvest (1987)

Directed by: Bill Rebane

Synopsis: Jill (Itonia Salchek) returns to her small home town to find her parents missing and then is seemingly stalked by the local oddball, Marvelous Mervo (Tiny Tim).

Purr Blur: Already on edge from finding her childhood home vandalized, Jill goes to put some clothes in her dresser. As she opens the drawer, a brown tabby cat leaps out with a Poor Cat Screech in a classic Spring Loaded Cat moment. The cat is never seen again after this.

Blood Harvest - brown tabby cat jumping out of drawer
Blood Harvest - brown tabby cat jumping out of drawer
Blood Harvest - brown tabby cat jumping out of drawer scaring Jill Itonia Salchek animated gif

A notable line in the film comes when Jill’s boyfriend shows up unexpectedly and she says she is glad it is him. He asks, “What would you do if it weren’t? Spread tuna fish all over me and throw me out the window to a starving cat?”

Final Mewsings: The starving cat is probably the one still running around inside the house somewhere!

Many thanks to Gabriel for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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