Purr Blur! A black cat saunters past the notorious cellblock in this sexploitation film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Women in Cellblock 9 (1978)

Purr Blur! A black cat saunters past the notorious cellblock in this sexploitation film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blur! A black cat strolls down the street in an establishing shot of this drama reviewed by Linda Kay.
A tiny black kitten steals several scenes in this crime drama reviewed by Mark Murton and Linda Kay.
An extremely tolerant black cat named Hecate is the companion of supervillainess Catwoman in this movie version of the popular television series reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.
A ginger Persian tabby cat makes a couple of brief appearances in this horror film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Cats are among the creepy ghosts and fiends belting out Cab Calloway’s hit number in this Betty Boop cartoon reviewed by Linda Kay.
Three different cats are spotted in a small town under a curfew in this horror movie franchise entry reviewed by Linda Kay.
An adorable tabby kitten proves to be a useful distraction in this thriller reviewed by Linda Kay.
A calico cat and a ginger tabby cat both make appearances in this Swiss film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blur! A brown tabby cat plays happily on a couch in a scene from this horror movie franchise entry reviewed by Linda Kay.