The fan-supported pilot episode follows the cat characters from the popular web comic in their first animated adventure. Reviewed by Linda Kay.
Category Archives: Tabby
From the Dead of Night (1989)
Several cats give ambiance to this made-for-TV movie, including the cat which accidentally starts the ball rolling! Reviewed by Mark Murton.
Without Apparent Motive (1971)
A tabby and white street cat is a nearby witness as a sniper stashes his weapon in this thriller reviewed by Ted Davis.
Naboerne (1966)
A very patient tabby cat is a constant companion of a young woman in this wild Danish comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
The Brothers Grimm (2005)
A ginger tabby kitten becomes the focus of a gruesome accident in a torture chamber (Kitty Carnage Warning!) courtesy of director Terry Gilliam in this film reviewed by Mark Murton and Linda Kay.
Gunsmoke – “Milligan”
A ginger tabby cat named Jim Grim is a family’s loving pet who becomes the target of some angry townsfolk (Kitty Carnage Warning!) in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis.
The Cat That Walked by Himself (1982)
An animated adaptation of the Rudyard Kipling tale lovingly illustrated by Sheila Graber. Review by Linda Kay.
Trader Hound (1931)
A tabby kitten arches his back and hisses in this final entry of the Dogville comedy shorts reviewed by Linda Kay.
Il Gatto (1977)
A brown tabby cat without a name is the victim of a callous murder in this dark Italian comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
Irma Vep (1996)
Purr Blurs! A couple of cats can be seen ever so briefly in this French film, reviewed by Mark Murton, which pays homage to a silent classic.