A longhair black cat named Buster is the loved pet owned by a reckless explorer in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
The Flight of the Eagle (1982)

A longhair black cat named Buster is the loved pet owned by a reckless explorer in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Purr Blur! A black cat makes a brief appearance during the opening credits of this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blur! A cat can be spotted running in front of a speeding tuk tuk involved in a high speed chase in this film reviewed by Brian H.
A white cat named Stuart is much luckier than a dog named Lucky in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis.
A white cartoon cat is one of the musicians playing with Robin and his Merry Men in this Disney animated feature reviewed by Linda Kay.
A ginger and white tabby cat tries to break into Bob Hope’s act in this comedy reviewed by Ted Davis.
A ginger tabby kitten becomes the focus of a gruesome accident in a torture chamber (Kitty Carnage Warning!) courtesy of director Terry Gilliam in this film reviewed by Mark Murton and Linda Kay.
A one-eyed orange cat is just one of the cats which can be seen in this animated feature film.
An assassin adopts an emotional support kitten throughout this episode reviewed by Mark Murton.
A man attempts to distract Rin Tin Tin with an adorable tuxedo kitten in this silent film reviewed by Ted Davis.