Directed by: Osamu Tezuka Synopsis: This clever animated short from manga and anime master Osamu Tezuka shows the perspective of someone jumping all around the world. Cartoon Cat: At one point the jumper lands on an island with a light house. This startles a black cat and leaves two men who are fishing stunned. Final […]
Category Archives: Animated
Quiet! Pleeze (1941)
Directed by: Dave Fleischer Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoiler for this film! Synopsis: Popeye finds Poopdeck Pappy sick (he is really suffering from a hangover) and does everything he can to make sure the old man gets some peace and quiet. Cartoon Cat: At the beginning of the short […]
Two’s a Crowd (1950)
Directed by: Charles M. Jones Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: One of Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies. Claude the cat is happy and content until his mistress is given a puppy for her birthday. Then his life literally turns upside down. Cartoon Cat: Claude is living […]
Garakuta-dori no Stain – “Sougankyou”
English Title: Mr. Stain on Junk Alley – “Binoculars” Original Air Date: 2003 Directed by: Ryuji Masuda Synopsis: One of a series of CGI short films about Mr. Stain, a man who lives in Junk Alley with an odd collection of characters. Cartoon Cats: In this episode, Mr. Stain has a pair of binoculars. He […]
The Oblongs – “Misfit Love”
Original Air Date: April 1, 2001 Directed by: Vincent Waller, Michael Kim This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Milo (voiced by Pamela Adlon) falls in love with an alien posing as a Debbie. Cartoon Cat: The Oblongs own a […]
The Witch’s Cat (1929)
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Snap the Gingerbread Man meets up with a witch and her black cat. Cartoon Cat: The black cat appears from a hole inside the witch’s tree and spies Snap standing outside. The cat loves gingerbread and bites Snap’s leg. Snap […]
Where Do the Children Play? (2020)
Music Artist: Yusuf / Cat Stevens Directed by: Chris Hopewell Synopsis: The stop motion animated music video for Yusuf / Cat Steven’s re-recording of his classic song for Tea for the Tillerman 2. Cartoon Cat: The video begins with a boy and a girl playing marbles with a white and grey cat nearby. To their […]
Nix on Hypnotricks (1941)
Directed by: Dave Fleischer Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Popeye has to rescue Olive Oyl before she falls into the clutches of a crazed hypnotist. Cartoon Cats: Prof. I Stare is first scene in his apartment trying to hypnotize a goldfish. Painted as part of […]
Odor-able Kitty (1945)
Directed by: Charles M. Jones Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A cat (voiced by Mel Blanc) disguises himself to avoid persecution and finds himself the focus of an amorous skunk. Cartoon Cat: The orange cat is first seen outside a butcher shop looking lovingly at […]
Derevo I Koshka (1983)
English Title: The Tree and the Cat Directed by: Evgeniy Sivokon Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A solitary tree is happy with its life and offers to teach a cat how to be the same. Cartoon Cat: The cat is thrown out of a wagon […]