A couple of cats are recruited to take part in a music video spoof in this hip hop mockumentary reviewed by Linda Kay.
Fear of a Black Hat (1993)

A couple of cats are recruited to take part in a music video spoof in this hip hop mockumentary reviewed by Linda Kay.
A white cat is one of the family members rarely seen in this classic film, reviewed by Linda Kay.
Tony promises to cat sit for a brown tabby cat named Fiorello who lives in the Bronx in this episode reviewed by Linda Kay.
A cat becomes all the instruments for Oswald the Lucky Rabbit’s Paul Whiteman tribute band in this animated short reviewed by Linda Kay.
A black cat witnesses the incompetence of a couple of bumbling smugglers in this Russian comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
A brown tabby cat makes an appearance just long enough to justify some bad pussy jokes in this sex comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
The Wayne family own a ginger tabby cat named Selina in this animated Christmas comic book feature reviewed by Linda Kay.
A gray tabby kitten named Toto and his ginger tabby mother Debbie make notable appearances in this Christmas themed episode reviewed by Mark Murton,
A tabby kitten named Tabitha becomes the focus of a murder investigation by three elderly women in this comedic mystery story reviewed by Mark Murton.
An adorable tabby and white cat continuously sneaks into the apartment of an Italian family in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.