Original Title: La bella mugnaia Directed by: Mario Camerini Synopsis: A man named Luca (Marcello Mastroianni) runs a mill with his beautiful wife Carmela (Sophia Loren) who catches the eye of the Governor (Vittorio De Sica). Purr Blur: When the movie opens we see a peaceful bucolic countryside. The narrator explains it’s a wonderful place. […]
Category Archives: Foreign
Underworld Informers (1963)
Original Title: The Informers Directed by: Ken Annakin Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Chief Inspector Johnnoe (Nigel Patrick) prefers using “snouts” (aka informers) to track down criminals but when one turns up dead his methods are called into question. Purr Blurs: Johnnoe is on the […]
8 Minutes Idle (2012)
Starring: Sinsir Directed by: Mark Simon Hewis This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Based on the book by Matt Thorne. Dan (Tom Hughes) is a slacker who ends up having to live secretly at the call center where he […]
Tigeris Nau Nau (1967)
English Title: Tiger the Cat Directed by: Arnolds Burovs Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: In this Latvian short film a naughty little boy is shrunk in size and becomes threatened by the very cat he teased in a clever combination of live action footage and […]
The Blue Lamp (1950)
Directed by: Basil Dearden Synopsis: Two London policemen face growing dangers as young criminals without respect for the law or even veteran crooks run amok. Kitty Cameo: Police Constable Mitchell (Jimmy Hanley) is new to the force and walks his beat at night. Suddenly he hears a loud screeching and turns, shining his flashlight at […]
Joyeux Noel (2005)
Directed by: Christian Carion Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: The story of the truce between certain French, German and Scottish soldiers during World War I at Christmas. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): A ginger tabby cat, the resident of a nearby abandoned farm, appears several times […]
Persecution (1974)
Also Known As: The Graveyard, Sheba, The Terror of Sheba, I Hate You, Cat Directed by: Don Chaffey This review contains a severe Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains MAJOR spoilers for this film! Synopsis: An unhealthy relationship between a bitter mother (Lana Turner), her persecuted son (Ralph Bates) […]
The Count of the Old Town (1935)
Original Title: Munkbrogreven Directed by: Edvin Adolphson Synopsis: A group of unique characters live in the Old Town where the police are looking for a thief named Diamond Lasse. Purr Blur: At the beginning of the film, some crooks are committing a burglary. One looks around the corner of a building to see a policeman […]
Account Rendered (1957)
Directed by: Peter Graham Scott Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: When a wealthy wife named Lucille Ainsworth (Ursula Howells) is murdered, there are plentiful suspects amongst her many lovers. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): One of the suspects is Gilbert Morgan (Carl Bernard), the business manager […]
Peg of Old Drury (1935)
Directed by: Herbert Wilcox Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Irish actress Peg Woffington (Anna Neagle) is jilted by her boyfriend after moving to London but seeks out a new career at Drury Lane theater. Cat Cattle Call: Peg becomes enamored of actor David Garrick (Cedric Hardwicke) […]