Directed by: Curtis Harrington Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Two orphans named Christopher (Mark Lester) and Katy (Chloe Franks) find themselves in the home of the benevolent Mrs. Forrest (Shelley Winters) whom Christopher suspects of having a dark secret. Kitty Cameo: Mrs. Forrest owns a […]
Category Archives: Horror
Inferno (1980)
Produzioni Intersound Starring: Leigh McCloskey, Irene Miracle Directed by: Dario Argento This review contains severe Kitty Carnage Warnings! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: The second entry in Argento’s Three Mothers trilogy. Rose Elliott (Irene Miracle) suspects evil happening in and around the New York building where she lives […]
Man’s Best Friend (1993)
New Line Cinema Starring: Ally Sheedy, Lance Henriksen Directed by: John Lafia This review contains a severe Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: News reporter Lori Tanner (Ally Sheedy) breaks into an experimental lab and rescues a dog named Max, not realizing that he is actually […]
Premature Burial (1962)
Roger Corman Productions Starring: Ray Milland, Hazel Court Directed by: Roger Corman Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Based on the story by Edgar Allan Poe. Guy Carrell (Ray Milland) is so obsessed with the fear of being buried alive it impacts his whole life. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): In […]
The Mummy Lives (1993)
Global Pictures Starring: Tony Curtis, Jacques Cohen Directed by: Gerry O’Hara Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A mummy story rehash in which the mummified Aziru (Tony Curtis) comes back from the tomb to seek the lost love he previously stole from his deity of choice. Kitty Cameo: In one […]
What Lies Beneath (2000)
DreamWorks Starring: Michelle Pfeiffer, Micole Mercurio Directed by: Robert Zemeckis Synopsis: Claire Spencer (Michelle Pfeiffer) becomes convinced that a murdered woman is trying to speak to her from beyond the grave. Kitty Cameo: In one scene Claire visits the mother (Micole Mercurio) of a woman she thinks may be the ghost who is trying to communicate with her. The […]
I Was a Teenage Zombie (1987)
Periclean Starring: Michael Rubin, Steve McCoy Directed by: John Elias Michalakis Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: After incurring the wrath of a zombie drug dealer, a group of teenage boys decide to fight fire with fire by making one of their own a good zombie to fight back. […]
Nightbreed (1990)
Morgan Creek Entertainment Starring: Craig Sheffer, Anne Bobby Directed by: Clive Barker Synopsis: Aaron Boone (Craig Sheffer) is a troubled young man being framed for murder who stumbles upon an underground enclave of monsters called Midian where he feels at home. Purr Blur: At one point Boone’s girlfriend goes to Midian to look for him. When she wakes up […]
Redneck Zombies (1989)
Full Moon Pictures Starring: Pericles Lewnes, Tyrone Taylor Directed by: Pericles Lewnes Synopsis: A group of backwood rednecks start a zombie apocolypse when they get the bright idea to use a barrel full of nuclear waste as their still. Kitty Cameo: As Elly May (Pericles Lewnes) is driving around delivering the moonshine, a shot of an orange tabby cat […]
Malicious (1995)
Keystone Pictures Starring: Molly Ringwald, Patrick McGaw Directed by: Ian Corson Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: College baseball star Doug Gordon (Patrick McGaw) has a brief affair with a medical student named Melissa Nelson (Molly Ringwald). But when Doug’s girlfriend returns from a trip he tries to break […]