House of Dark Shadows (1970)

Directed by: Dan Curtis

Synopsis: Adapted from the popular gothic soap opera, this film finds Barnabas Collins (Jonathan Frid) on the loose and hungry after being released from his coffin by a local drunk.

Purr Blur: In an early scene in the movie, Maggie Evans (Kathryn Leigh Scott) is in an old house looking for David Collins (David Henesy). In true spring-loaded cat fashion, a cat suddenly jumps out and scares her.

House of Dark Shadows - tabby cat leaps out and scares Maggie Kathryn Leigh Scott
House of Dark Shadows - tabby cat leaps out and scares Maggie Kathryn Leigh Scott animated gif

Maggie then turns to look back at the cat, who stops and looks at her as if to say, “What?” Unfortunately the scene is so dark it’s hard to make out the cat at all.

House of Dark Shadows - tabby cat in darkness looks back at Maggie

Final Mewsings: Spring-loaded cats are usually just minding their own business.

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this film!

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