Directed by: David Hare Synopsis: Clara Paige (Charlotte Rampling), a Parliament member, has her world disrupted by a murder during a trip to Paris. Purr Blur: As Clara is walking down a dark Paris street, she is startled by a Spring-Loaded black cat which runs out from a doorway in front of her. Final Mewsings: […]
Category Archives: Genre
Avenging Force (1986)
Directed by: Sam Firstenberg Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoiler for this film! Synopsis: Former military intelligence man Matt Hunter (Michael Dudikoff) finds himself being hunted like an animal by a group of radicals. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The leader of the radical right wing group is Prof. Elliott Glastenbury […]
Preacher – “Les Enfants du Sang”
Original Air Date: July 29, 2018 Directed by: Laura Belsey Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoilers for two episodes! Synopsis: Tulip, Jesse, Jody and T.C. make plans to save both Gran’ma’s and Tulip’s lives while Cassidy learns more about Eccarius in New Orleans. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): While in a […]
Bottles (1936)
Directed by: Hugh Harman Synopsis: A pharmacist experiences a nightmare when the bottles in his drugstore come to life. Cartoon Cat: A bottle of poison with skull and crossbones comes to life and plans to do evil to the pharmacist. A bottle of Witch Hazel also becomes animated and announces, “There’s blood on the moon!” […]
Gigolettes (1932)
Directed by: Roscoe Arbuckle Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: One of the RKO Gay Girls Comedy shorts. June (MacCloy), Marion (Shilling) and Gertie (Gertrude Short) try to make a go of a run down roadhouse which has a history of being raided for illegal booze. […]
Seventy Deadly Pills (1964)
Directed by: Pat Jackson Synopsis: The police race against time to find seventy dangerous pills which were found by a group of kids who think they are candy. Kitty Cameos: The kids, who are in a gang called The Rockets, have a secret clubhouse. A young boy named Dickie (Ronnie Johnson) discovers the hideout and […]
Touch and Go (1955)
Starring: Sooty Directed by: Michael Truman Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Jim Fletcher (Jack Hawkin) is a frustrated furniture designer who quits his firm when they refuse to accept his forward-thinking designs and announces he is moving his family to Australia. Featured Feline: The family owns […]
one of our aircraft is missing (1942)
Directed by: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger Synopsis: A British bomber crew is stranded in Holland after leaping from their damaged plane and have to rely on civilians to help them escape. Purr Blur: A black cat is sitting to the side of the road as a truck approaches. The cat runs across the road ahead […]
The Rules of the Game (1939)
Original title: La règle du jeu Directed by: Jean Renoir This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoiler for this film! Synopsis: Jean Renoir’s biting satire about class examines the interactions between the rich and their household staff Kitty Cameo: The head of the manor […]
Hazel – “Kindly Advise”
Original Air Date: December 6, 1965 Directed by: Charles Barton Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode! Synopsis: Deirdre (Cathy Lewis) butts in by insisting Susie (Julia Benjamin) attend charm school, much to Barbara’s (Lynn Borden) frustration. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The Baxter’s own a small black cat, although […]