British Pathé Synopsis: Silent newsreel footage shows three Turkish Van cats eating and being forced to swim in tubs. Reality Cats: The unused and unissued footage shows the cats with a couple of women who seem to be demonstrating how they are “teaching” the cats to swim. While Turkish Vans are naturally good swimmers, these poor cats […]
Category Archives: Genre
Little Women (1994)
Columbia Pictures Corporation Starring: Winona Ryder, Claire Danes Directed by: Gillian Armstrong Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott. The March sisters come of age while awaiting the return of their father who is fighting in the American Civil War. Kitty Cameos: A […]
Shine (1996)
South Australian Film Corporation Starring: Geoffrey Rush, Noah Taylor Directed by: Scott Hicks Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: The biopic of pianist David Helfgott (Geoffrey Rush) who suffered a nervous breakdown and a potentially career ending battle with Schizoaffective disorder. Kitty Cameos: David apparently liked cats and several are […]
All Dead, All Dead (2017)
Music Artist: Queen Directed by: Jason Jameson & Robert Milne Synopsis: Animated music video for the song All Dead, All Dead by Queen finds a tuxedo cat wandering through a strange world of circuits. Cartoon Cat: The cat in this video journeys through this strange world as the lyrics to the song are shown. One must watch until […]
Furies (1977)
Directed by: Sara Petty Synopsis: The world of two cats is represented through a beautifully artistic prism. Cartoon Cats: This stylized animated short is truly beautiful. Set to jazz music, the two cats go about their day: preening, playing and even fighting, in an ever-changing world of colors and shapes. Winner of fourteen first place awards at international […]
Stray Cat Village off Naples (circa 1950’s)
British Pathé Synopsis: Unused and unissued newsreel footage shows a “village” of stray cats. Reality Cats: The cat sanctuary was reportedly run by Mrs. Sidro Fornaro who is seen tending to the cats in this footage. Several of the cats are wearing little bibs as they eat. The final clips are of a Siamese cat wearing a […]
Daydreams (1922)
First National Pictures Starring: Buster Keaton Directed by: Eddie Cline Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A young man (Buster Keaton) goes to the city to obtain work and prove he is worthy of the girl he loves. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The first job Buster gets is at a […]
Dozhdlivaya istoriya (1988)
English Title: A Rainy Story Soyuzmultfilm Directed by: Tayana Mititello Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A beautiful Russian animated short about a baker and her cat and some extraordinary events which take place on a rainy day, all told without words. Cartoon Cat: The gray, white and black tabby […]
Cat Show – Olympia (1969)
British Pathé Synopsis: Many cats are showcased at the National Championship Cat Show, Olympia in 1969. Reality Cats: A newsreel segment from British Pathé shows many lovely cats featured in the show, which drew more entries that year than ever before. First shown is a Seal Point Siamese Champion named Redleaf Benni. Two Devon Rex cats are […]
Limousine Machine (2012)
Music Artist: Titanic Sinclair featuring Mars Argo Synopsis: The song is performed with a myriad of images behind the band members via green screen. Kitty Cameos: Among the many images being flashed across the green screen, cats are constantly included. Seen are a tuxedo cat, a tabby and an orange and white cat. Final Mewsings: Cat videos make the […]