Think Fast, Mr. Moto (1937)

Directed by: Norman Foster

Synopsis: Mr. Moto (Peter Lorre) travels to Shanghai to find out the source of a smuggling ring.

Kitty Cameo: Near the beginning of the film, Mr. Moto is seen removing a disguise at home. He then moves to sit down on the edge of his bed and picks up a black cat, which he pets while calling to make a reservation on a ship to Shanghai. The cat is not seen again after this.

Think Fast, Mr. Moto - Mr. Moto Peter Lorre petting black cat Chunkina
Think Fast, Mr. Moto - Mr. Moto Peter Lorre picking up telephone receiver with black cat Chunkina on lap

While not named in the movie, this is Mr. Moto’s pet cat Chunkina, which would appear in subsequent films.

Think Fast, Mr. Moto - Mr. Moto Peter Lorre making telephone call with black cat Chunkina on lap
Think Fast, Mr. Moto - Mr. Moto Peter Lorre on phone while petting black cat Chunkina

Final Mewsings: Cats are bummed when they are not asked to go on trips.

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this film!

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