A gray ship’s cat is on hand for a quick pun in this send up of Naval affairs by the Carry On gang.
Carry On Jack (1963)

A gray ship’s cat is on hand for a quick pun in this send up of Naval affairs by the Carry On gang.
Purr Blur! A tuxedo cat is seen hanging around a kitchen in a boarding school in this horror film reviewed by Ted Davis.
A longhair silver cat is fed in a very unusual fashion by Claude Rains in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
In this episode Aidan Andrew Dun reads Christopher Smart’s poem “For I will consider my cat Jeoffry” accompanied by a flame point Siamese.
A lonely tabby cat is treated badly by a little boy who was also lonely and should have known better in this animated short.
Purr Blur! A tuxedo kitten makes a very brief appearance in this cautionary military film.
A longhair tabby cat keeps a woman company in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A Siamese cat shares an apartment with a dead man in the first part of this dark comedy.
Purr Blur! A black and white out of focus cat is seen in the background of a shot in this World War II drama.
A poor tabby cat has tin cans tied to his tail by some rowdy boys in this Civil War era film.