Synopsis: A silent collection of “oddities” from around the world. Reality Cats: One segment focuses on a momma cat in Hanover, Germany, who is not only raising her own litter of kittens but some baby skunks. The mamma cat feeds the skunks alongside her own babies. Once outside, the baby skunks are shown following the […]
Category Archives: Genre
The Yellow Balloon (1953)
by Ted Davis Directed by: J. Lee Thompson Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: It’s the London, England of the early 1950s, and 12 year-old Frankie Palmer (Andrew Ray), in a moment of spite, swipes a balloon from nearby neighbor and friend Ronnie Williams (Stephen Fenemore). […]
The Ground Beneath My Feet (2019)
by Mark Murton Original Title: Der Boden unter den Füßen Director: Marie Kreutzer Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: High-powered business consultant Lola (Valerie Pachner) tries desperately to hang on to her professional achievements despite growing pressure in her personal life, including having to care for […]
Local Hero (1983)
by Ted Davis Directed by: Bill Forsyth Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: ‘Mac’ McIntyre (Peter Riegert), negotiator for the acquisitions department of Knox Oil and Gas, is detailed to travel from the Houston, Texas home office to Ferness, Scotland in order to purchase the town […]
The Invisible Man Returns (1940)
Directed by: Joe May Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoiler for this film! Synopsis: Geoffrey Radcliffe (Vincent Price) takes a formula to make him invisible so he can elude the police, but the side effect of the drug is madness. Kitty Cameo: Constable Briggs (Rex Evans) is on patrol when […]
One Foot in the Grave – “Love and Death”
by Mark Murton Original Air Date: November 8, 1990 Studio Director: Sydney Lotterby Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode! Synopsis: The Meldrews, Victor (Richard Wilson) and Margaret (Annette Crosbie), go to stay with their old friends the Bluetts, Vince (Stephen Lewis) and April (Georgina Hayle), in their dilapidated […]
Schoolhouse Rock! – “Electricity Electricity”
Original Air Date: May 19, 1979 Synopsis: The applications and laws governing electricity are demonstrated. Cartoon Cat: The workman who has been walking through the demonstrations (albeit absent-mindedly) has just combed a sheep to create static electricity. A cat approaches and rubs against the man who pets him as the narrator sings, “Stroking a cat […]
Another Photographic Marvel (1933)
Pathétone Weekly Synopsis: Newsreel footage shows examples of a new high-speed camera which captures super slow motion. Reality Cats: Of course one of the demonstrations is of a cat turning in midair to land on its feet. At least in this experiment the cats are only dropped a short distance. The first is a bicolor […]
Dual Alibi (1947)
Directed by: Alfred Travers Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Twin trapeze artists George and Jules de Lisle (both played impressively by Herbert Lom) are the targets of scam artist Mike Bergen (Terence de Marney) who sends his girlfriend Gloria (Phyllis Dixey) to woo Jules in […]
Patrick (2018)
by Mark Murton Also Known As: Patrick the Pug Director: Mandie Fletcher Cat Out Of The Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film. Synopsis: Teacher Sarah Francis (Beattie Edmondson) is a young woman whose life is a bit of a mess. The last thing she needs is someone else to look after. […]