Original Title: Die Hinrichtung Also Known As: Naked Massacre Directed by: Denis Héroux Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Loosely based on the Richard Speck murders, an unstable American Vietnam deserter named Cain Adams (Mathieu Carrière) terrorizes a home full of female nurses. Featured Feline: Living with […]
Category Archives: Recent
Mark of the Vampire Post Update
We have updated our previous post for Mark of the Vampire with new photos and gifs. You can view the new write up by clicking below.
Deported (1950)
Directed by: Robert Siodmak Synopsis: Vic Smith (Jeff Chandler) is an American gangster deported to Italy where he gets involved in crime and falls for a Countess (Märta Torén). Purr Blur: In one scene a woman named Gina (Marina Berti) is following Vic through the streets. She passes very close to a tuxedo cat who […]
Fun Size (2012)
Directed by: Josh Schwartz This review contains a Cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A teenaged girl named Wren (Victoria Justice) has her Halloween night turned upside-down when her younger brother Albert (Jackson Nicoll) goes missing. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): During the […]
Jonathan Creek – “The Problem at Gallows Gate, Part 1”
by Mark Murton Original Air Date: February 14, 1998 Directed by: Keith Washington Synopsis: A wealthy, young eccentric commits suicide by jumping off a balcony after discovering his girlfriend Felicity (Annabel Mullion) with someone else, but three weeks later the same man is seemingly witnessed strangling his ex-girlfriend in her house. Jonathan (Alan Davies) needs […]
The Electric Company – “Hey Diddle Diddle”
Original Air Date: early 1970’s Directed by: Jim Simon Synopsis: A group of cool animated cats sing a jazzy song featuring double D’s. Cartoon Cats: A heavy-set cat plays the piano and sings the song Hey Diddle Diddle about a cat on a fiddle. He is accompanied by two beautiful female cat backup singers with […]
Forever’s Gonna Start Tonight (2011)
Directed by: Eliza Hittman This review contains a slight Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Sonya (Viktoria Vinyarska), a teenaged girl living in Brooklyn with her father (Mike Pikeman) and his menagerie of cats, finds herself facing difficult choices to protect him. Cat […]
Trouble Brewing (1939)
by Mark Murton Director: Anthony Kimmins Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: George Gullip (George Formby) has won a lot of money at the races but he’s paid with counterfeit money so he sets about tracking down the criminals himself. Kitty Cameo: In the opening scene […]
The Demi-Paradise (1943)
by Ted Davis Also Known As: Adventure for Two Directed by: Anthony Asquith Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: In 1939, earnest Russian engineer Ivan Kouznetsoff (Laurence Olivier) visits England to manufacture his revolutionary ice-breaker propeller, but his preconceived prejudices against the English people prove to […]
The Hostage (1956)
by Mark Murton Director: Harold Huth Synopsis: A South American revolutionary leader is arrested and sentenced to death. In a bid to prevent the execution, his followers kidnap the president’s daughter in London. Purr Blur: An American pilot (Ron Randell) finds himself unwittingly involved in the plot when he receives a phone call from a […]