English Title: Mr. Stain on Junk Alley – “Binoculars” Original Air Date: 2003 Directed by: Ryuji Masuda Synopsis: One of a series of CGI short films about Mr. Stain, a man who lives in Junk Alley with an odd collection of characters. Cartoon Cats: In this episode, Mr. Stain has a pair of binoculars. He […]
Category Archives: Recent
Tungrus (2018)
Starring: Ginger and Garlic Directed by: Rishi Chandna Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A short subject documentary about a rooster living with the Bharde family in their Mumbai apartment. Featured Felines: The father of the family, Nusrat Bharde, explains how he bought a baby chick […]
The Alchemist Cookbook (2016)
Starring: Fiji Directed by: Joel Potrykus Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: This moody, tongue-in-cheek horror film finds a brilliant but troubled man named Sean (Ty Hickson) living deep in the woods as he tries to unravel the secrets of alchemy from an ancient cookbook. Featured […]
Minoes (2001)
Also Known As: Miss Minoes; Undercover Kitty Directed by: Vincent Bal This review contains some implied Kitty Carnage Warnings! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Based on the book by Annie M.G. Schmidt. A cat is transformed into a woman named Miss Minoes (Carice van Houten) via […]
Breaking Bad – “Grilled”
Original Air Date: March 15, 2009 Directed by: Charles Haid Synopsis: Both Skyler (Anna Gunn) and Hank (Dean Norris) look for the missing Walter White (Bryan Cranston). Purr Blur: As Skyler hands out missing person flyers around the neighborhood, a gray and white cat stands beside her on one doorstep. Final Mewsings: Cats are happy […]
Le gladiatrici (1963)
English Title: Thor and the Amazon Women Directed by: Antonio Leonviola Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Thor (Joe Robinson) comes up against a fierce race of warrior women led by the beautiful but dangerous Queen Nera (Janine Hendy). Kitty Cameo: Queen Nera has a long-haired […]
The Oblongs – “Misfit Love”
Original Air Date: April 1, 2001 Directed by: Vincent Waller, Michael Kim This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Milo (voiced by Pamela Adlon) falls in love with an alien posing as a Debbie. Cartoon Cat: The Oblongs own a […]
The King is Half Undressed (1990)
Music Artist: Jellyfish Synopsis: The music video for Jellyfish’s song features the band and a magical hat. Kitty Cameo: Many things jump out of lead singer Marvin Andrew Sturmer’s top hat, including a white cat which pops up after some doves fly out. The cat doesn’t look particularly happy to be inside the hat. Final […]
Farm Life (1922)
British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage features a man on his farm somewhere in England. Reality Cat: At the beginning of the segment the unknown man is seated on a gypsy caravan with two dogs and a longhaired cat. The man turns the cat to face the camera. Final Mewsings: All farms should have cats! To […]
The Long Haul (1957)
Directed by: Ken Hughes Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Harry Miller (Victor Mature) reluctantly moves to Liverpool for his wife and gets caught up in intrigue and love when he starts driving a truck on a run to Scotland. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): After a […]