by Ted Davis (with additional material by Linda Kay)
English Title: This is Called Dawn
Directed by: Luis Buñuel
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Cruelty and grace exist side by side in the sweltering Mediterranean island where hardworking and idealistic Doctor Valerio (Georges Marchal) plies his trade, struggling to maintain the balance between his ties to the class in which he was born and his genuine dedication to the poor peasant class that he treats. This conflict is realized when the repellent and predatory Gorzone (Jean-Jacques Delhi), a rich industrialist with a Napoleon complex, evicts dirt-poor Sandro Galli (Giani Esposito) from the farm he works, together with his seriously ailing wife Magda (Brigitte Elloy). Valerio’s response to an impending tragedy will determine the course of his life, including whether he remains with his current wife, pallid and superficial Angela (Nelly Borgeaud), or begins anew with dark and arresting Clara (Lucia Bose).
Kitty Cameos: Near the beginning of the movie a cat snarls offscreen, attracting the attention of Angela. She sees a boy resting on his haunches impassively watching a group of stray and neglected cats and kittens scavenge among the remnants of trash and dead fish. The boy appears to be holding one cat by the tail.

Purr Blurs: As Angela walks up a sunlit tiled street, she drops her scarf in a puddle. A black cat quickly moves out of one doorway and into the next in the background.

Moments later Angela witnesses an act of brutal cruelty when she comes upon a man beating his donkey. As she flees, a calico cat is sitting on the corner of a building.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): A tabby kitten keeps chronically ill Magda company in her sick bed, comfortably tucked under her arm.

The kitten is seen again, sleeping in Magda’s bed, after Sandro’s confrontation with the tenant (Gaston Modot) who was sent by Gorzone to replace him. The kitten slumbers peacefully, and stretches and yawns unconcernedly, even after the tenant, his wife and two curious young daughters and a baby invade the bedroom.

Purr Blurs: A bereft Sandro, distraught after Magda’s death, staggers down lonely streets, deserted except for some street cats.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealers): During Magda’s funeral procession, as it reaches the horse-drawn hearse, Dr. Valerio lifts an approachable white and tabby kitten from a granite pillar. He briefly holds the kitten to his face, before petting and setting it down.

Outside of Gorzone’s palatial home, where his rich guests are enjoying the good life at a lavish cocktail party, Sandro picks up a mewing tabby kitten, similar in appearance to his late wife’s kitten.

A moment later, an agitated Sandro interrupts the party and startles the guests, still carrying the vocal kitten. Gorzone is keen enough to sense the danger and drifts to one side. But it doesn’t save him as Sandro, now holding the kitten in one hand down by his side, shoots three times into his stomach, resulting in a mortal injury.

Final Mewsings: Don’t underestimate an angry man with a kitten.
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