Child’s Play (1954)

Directed by: Margaret Thomson

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A group of precocious children get into mischief when they manage to split the atom and then use the energy to make popcorn.

Purr Blur: One of the boys tells the story of what happened the day they split the atom, saying that most of the villagers had gone to a game. One of the few people who didn’t go was Miss Goslett (Mona Washbourne) who is licking an ice pop and carrying a black kitten. She sits down with a magazine to relax.

Child's Play - Miss Goslett Mona Washbourne carrying black kitten
Child's Play - Miss Goslett Mona Washbourne carrying black kitten

Just before the explosion, Miss Goslett is sleeping with the kitten on her chest.

Child's Play - Miss Goslett Mona Washbourne sleeping with black kitten on her chest

During the explosion, she is startled, tossing the kitten slightly.

Child's Play - Miss Goslett Mona Washbourne startled awake with black kitten on her chest

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t like their naps interrupted by atomic explosions.

Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the kitten in this film.

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