City Loop (2000)

City Loop poster

Also Known As: Bored Olives
The Australian Film Commission
 Sullivan Stapleton, Hayley McElhinney
Directed by: Belinda Chayko

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Several hours in the lives of the employees of a fast delivery pizza place.

Kitty Carnage Warning!: Our Featured Feline sadly starts as a Kitty Carnage Warning, since the opening scene shows a disgruntled worker trashing the Speedies pizza place and at the end he takes a dead black cat and bakes him into a pizza. Yes, you read that correctly.

City Loop - disgruntled fast food worker holding up dead black cat Terry

The film jumps back and forth in time to tell its story and so we later learn the cat’s name is Terry. But the next time we see him one of the employees is bringing him in, saying he is dead. The employees react strangely aloof and they end up putting him in the freezer.

City Loop - fast food worker holding dead black cat Terry

Later Terry is just sick when we see him being petted by Dom (Sullivan Stapleton) who explains the cat just hurled. The employees talk briefly about taking the cat to the vet but no one does.

City Loop - fast food worker Dom Sullivan Stapleton holding black cat Terry

City Loop - fast food worker Dom Sullivan Stapleton holding black cat Terry as other worker coos

City Loop - black cat Terry walking away

At the beginning of the segment that tells the backstory of Katie (Hayley McElhinney) she is seen bringing the cat into the pizza place. At this point Terry doesn’t appear to even have a name.

City Loop - fast food worker Katie Hayley McElhinney carrying black cat Terry into restaurant

City Loop - fast food worker Katie Hayley McElhinney carrying black cat Terry into restaurant

City Loop - fast food worker Katie Hayley McElhinney holding black cat Terry in restaurant

City Loop - black cat Terry on counter of fast food restaurant

Finally in another segment the employees are shown playing very roughly with Terry, laughing and joking as Dom places the cat on his head as a “cat hat” and then over his chest as a “cat bra”. Their treatment of Terry is deplorable and understandably Terry runs away. A lot of things are left unexplained, such as how or why Terry died or why they were keeping him in the pizza place at all when no one seemed to care about him that much.

City Loop - fast food workers playing roughly with black cat Terry

City Loop - fast food worker holding black cat Terry on his head

City Loop - fast food worker holding black cat Terry up like bra

City Loop - black cat Terry walking away

Final Mewsings: Some people should not have jobs or cats.

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