CrissCross (1992)

Directed by: Chris Menges

Synopsis: Chris Cross (David Arnott) is a young teen in Key West, Florida, who goes to great lengths to try to keep his mother Tracy (Goldie Hawn) from having to strip for a living.

Purr Blur: A black cat is crossing the road outside the hotel where Chris and Tracy are living.

CrissCross - black cat crossing road in front of hotel

Kitty Cameos: Late in the film Chris’ girlfriend Termina (Christy Martin) is seen in the hallway of her home feeding several cats.

CrissCross - Termina Christy Martin feeding cats in backlit hallway

Chris arrives and the two go upstairs. One kitten in particular seems anxious about the two leaving.

CrissCross - Termina Christy Martin and cats in backlit hallway with Chris David Arnott
CrissCross - cats in backlit hallway
CrissCross - cats in backlit hallway
CrissCross - cats in backlit hallway

Final Mewsings: Why go upstairs when the cats are downstairs?

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