Entre Nous (1983)

Original Title: Coup de foudre

Directed by: Diane Kurys

Synopsis: The story of two women, Madeleine (Miou-Miou) and Lena (Isabelle Huppert), World War II survivors who find a strong attraction to one another despite their being married to husbands.

Purr Blur: Near the end of the film, Lena is looking for Madeleine and finds her at her parents’ home. Madeleine is sitting on a low wall in the back yard with a black cat walking near her.

Entre Nous - Madeleine Miou-Miou sitting on low wall with black cat
Entre Nous - Madeleine Miou-Miou sitting on low wall with black cat
Entre Nous - Madeleine Miou-Miou sitting on low wall with black cat
Entre Nous - Madeleine Miou-Miou sitting on low wall with black cat animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats like actresses named Miou-Miou.

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