The Lone Ranger (2013)

Directed by: Gore Verbinski

This review contains a very slight Kitty Carnage Warning!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: The legend of the Lone Ranger (Armie Hammer) as told by an aged Tonto (Johnny Depp).

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The Lone Ranger and Tonto visit a brothel and seek information from the Madam, Red Harrington (Helena Bonham Carter). Tonto sniffs the air and asks if she has a cat. She tells him she did and that she thought it would be an improvement over the last man in her life. Later Tonto puts a bird cage over his head and says it is because of his “fear of cat.” When the pair try to escape from an angry mob, the Lone Ranger is going down the back stairs when he hears a small meow. He turns to see a small kitten on the stairs.

The Lone Ranger - Lone Ranger Armie Hammer looking at longhair kitten on stairs behind
The Lone Ranger - Lone Ranger Armie Hammer with longhair kitten on stairs behind
The Lone Ranger - Lone Ranger Armie Hammer with longhair kitten behind him on stairs animated gif

The mob is asking where The Lone Ranger and Tonto are and Red Harrington says she doesn’t know what they mean. Suddenly the Masked Man re-enters with the kitten, saying, “Ma’am, I believe I’ve located your . . . ” He sees the mob and stops.

The Lone Ranger - Lone Ranger Armie Hammer holding longhair kitten
The Lone Ranger - Lone Ranger Armie Hammer holding longhair kitten

Slight Kitty Carnage Warning: ” . . . cat,” he finishes then drops the kitten and runs out of the room with the mob in pursuit. A Poor Cat Screech is dubbed in when he drops the cat.

The Lone Ranger - Lone Ranger Armie Hammer holding longhair kitten
The Lone Ranger - Lone Ranger Armie Hammer holding longhair kitten
The Lone Ranger - Lone Ranger Armie Hammer runs into room holding and then dropping longhair kitten animated gif

Final Mewsings: There is always time to rescue a cat!

Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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