Falling Down (1993)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Joel Schumacher

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: William Foster (Michael Douglas), known by his license plate as D-FENS, snaps in Los Angeles traffic and embarks by foot on a journey across the city, leaving chaos in his wake.

Kitty Cameo: Robbery division Sergeant Martin Prendergast (Robert Duvall) is on his last day of work before an early retirement when Foster starts his rampage. Prendergast receives a call from his troubled wife (Tuesday Weld) who is having a panic attack about their impending move. In the background their gray and white tabby cat, Mr. Peepers, is sitting on one of the moving boxes.

Falling Down - Mrs. Prendergast Tuesday Weld on phone with gray and white tabby cat Mr. Peepers in background
Falling Down - Mrs. Prendergast Tuesday Weld on phone with gray and white tabby cat Mr. Peepers in background

Later Mrs. Prendergast calls her husband again to report that Mr. Peepers is resting and eating well. The cat is on the counter eating from a bowl as she talks. Mr. Peepers does not return but the needy wife calls her husband one last time to complain that Mr. Peepers scratched the hell out of her hand.

Falling Down - Mrs. Prendergast Tuesday Weld on phone with gray and white tabby cat Mr. Peepers eating on counter

Final Mewsings: Clearly Mr. Prendergast and Mr. Peepers were both getting fed up with Mrs. Prendergast!

Many thanks to T.j. Dotson for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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