Father Christmas (1991)

Directed by: Dave Unwin

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Based on the books by Raymond Briggs. Father Christmas (voiced by Mel Smith) enjoys a holiday then gets back to work preparing for the 24th of December.

Cartoon Cats: At home Father Christmas lives with his two pets, a white dog with black markings and a black cat (even in the original books it appears he simply calls them cat and dog.)

Father Christmas - with pets black cat and dog
Father Christmas - dog chasing cat in circles as sleigh is put away

The cat often lies across Father Christmas’ shoulders.

Father Christmas - black cat lying across shoulders

Father Christmas takes good care of the animals, including his reindeer.

Father Christmas - feeding black cat and dog
Father Christmas - with black cat lying on beard

But when Father Christmas decides to take a vacation, he works long hours converting an old sleigh into a motor home. The cat and dog sleep inside while he is working.

Father Christmas - with pets black cat and dog looking at sleigh
Father Christmas - black cat and dog sleeping by fire

He takes the animals to a shelter to stay while he is away.

Father Christmas - taking black cat and dog to shelter

When he returns the pets are thrilled to see him!

Father Christmas - greeting pets black cat and dog upon return

The second half of the film shows Father Christmas preparing for his annual job by answering mail and preparing the sleigh and gifts.

Father Christmas - with black cat entering to find piles of mail
Father Christmas - with black cat on shoulder looking at letter

Finally on the big night he says goodbye to his pets once more.

Father Christmas - with pets black cat and dog

During his nightly rounds he comes across a Siamese cat in one home.

Father Christmas - with Siamese cat running in front of him

Back home he makes sure his dog gets a bone and the cat a fish.

Father Christmas - pets black cat and dog with fish and bone

Final Mewsings: Someone needs to put Father Christmas in touch with a reliable pet sitter!

Many thanks to RobG for letting us know about the cat in this animated special.

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