For Them That Trespass (1949)

Directed by: Alberto Cavalcanti

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Aspiring writer Christopher Drew (Stephen Murray) explores the seedier side of life and gets in over his head when he witnesses a murder.

Purr Blur: In one scene Frankie Ketchen (Rosalyn Boulter) and Christopher Drew are walking to her flat. A black cat crosses the road ahead of them.

For Them That Trespass - black cat crossing dark street
For Them That Trespass - black cat crossing dark street

Kitty Cameo: In a later scene, ex-con Herbert Edward Logan (Richard Todd) breaks into the apartment of an artist (George Hayes) who is passed out drunk. A white cat is standing nearby.

For Them That Trespass - white cat in dark room

Logan knocks over a plate of food which awakens the artist. The man stumbles toward Logan but then sees the white cat eating the food near the broken plate. The artists coos, “Kitty kitty kitty!” and meows before tottering back to his bed and collapsing.

For Them That Trespass - white cat eating food from broken plate on floor
For Them That Trespass - white cat eating food from broken plate on floor
For Them That Trespass - white cat eating food from broken plate on floor

Final Mewsings: Cats who live with drunken artists don’t mind burglars.

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cats in this film!

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