Garakuta-dori no Stain – “Sougankyou”

English Title: Mr. Stain on Junk Alley – “Binoculars”

Original Air Date: 2003

Directed by: Ryuji Masuda

Synopsis: One of a series of CGI short films about Mr. Stain, a man who lives in Junk Alley with an odd collection of characters.

Cartoon Cats: In this episode, Mr. Stain has a pair of binoculars. He spots his friend Palvan, a large yellow cat who wears a pink sweater, acting suspiciously and carrying a fishbone.

Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - yellow cat Palvan carrying fish bone

Mr. Stain watches Palvan and sees him take the fish to an adorable Lost Kitten in a box.

Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - yellow cat Palvan giving fish bone to Lost Kitten

Later Palvan finds Mr. Stain eating donuts. When Mr. Stain offers Palvan one of the treats, Palvan almost eats it, then changes his mind and takes it away.

Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - yellow cat Palvan looking at donut piece

Realizing Palvan is taking the donut to the kitten, Mr. Stain gathers up the rest and follows. On the way he spots a Lost Cat poster with a picture of the kitten offering a fifty thousand dollar reward!

Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - lost cat poster with Lost Kitten on it

Palvan is giving Lost Kitten the donut when a lizard shows up and takes a piece.

Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - yellow cat Palvan and Lost Kitten with lizard stealing donut piece

Making a scary face, Palvan causes the lizard to faint.

Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - yellow cat Palvan making scary face at lizard
Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - yellow cat Palvan and Lost Kitten watching lizard faint

Mr. Stain tries to show Palvan the poster but he has no interest. He is in love with the kitten and the kitten loves him.

Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - yellow cat Palvan holding Lost Kitten
Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - yellow cat Palvan holding Lost Kitten
Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - yellow cat Palvan hugging Lost Kitten

Kitty Carnage Warning! Unfortunately as Mr. Stain watches, a limousine pulls up and there is the sound of a struggle. The limo speeds off and Palvan has been beaten up plus Lost Kitten is gone. Later Mr. Stain lets Palvan use the binoculars to see Lost Kitten back home with his siblings.

Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - Lost Kitten with siblings

Lost Kitten pulls off the scary face Palvan used to make his siblings faint.

Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - Lost Kitten making scary face
Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - Lost Kitten looking at fainting siblings

Palvan walks away, tears in his eyes.

Mr. Stain on Junk Alley - Binoculars - yellow cat Palvan with tears in eyes

Final Mewsings: The love of a kitten is priceless.

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