Golden Boy (1939)

Golden Boy poster

Columbia Pictures Corporation
 William Holden, Barbara Stanwyck, Lee J. Cobb
Directed by: Rouben Mamoulian

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Joe Bonaparte (William Holden) finds he has a talent for boxing but it conflicts with his talent for playing the violin.

Cat Cattle Call: Joe’s father (Lee J. Cobb) owns a delicatessen and store in front of the family home. In most of the scenes in and around the home and store there are cats, starting with the first scene in the home. Mr. Bonaparte takes his friend to see the expensive violin he has bought for his son. A cat is sitting on the dresser and jumps down, then is seen wandering around in the background.

Golden Boy - calico cat on dresser with Mr. Bonaparte Lee J. Cobb

Golden Boy - calico cat on floor behind Mr. Bonaparte Lee J. Cobb

Another cat sits in Mr. Bonaparte’s lap and is petted during a scene in front of the store in which he talks to family and friends.

Golden Boy - tabby cat on lap of Mr. Bonaparte Lee J. Cobb outside store

Golden Boy - tabby cat on lap of Mr. Bonaparte Lee J. Cobb outside store

Golden Boy - tabby cat on lap of Mr. Bonaparte Lee J. Cobb outside store

Golden Boy - tabby cat on lap of Mr. Bonaparte Lee J. Cobb outside store

Golden Boy - tabby cat jumping off lap of Mr. Bonaparte Lee J. Cobb outside store

During a dramatic scene between Joe and his papa a cat is present in the alley behind the store.

Golden Boy - cat on crate in alley

Golden Boy - cat on crate in alley with Mr. Bonaparte Lee J. Cobb

Later in the film Joe returns and two cats are sitting on the fence in the alley. One of the cats jumps down and runs away as soon as Joe appears, but the other stays put even when Joe jumps over the fence.

Golden Boy - cats on fence one jumping down with Joe Bonaparte William Holden

Golden Boy - Joe Bonaparte William Holden jumping over fence by cat

Golden Boy - Joe Bonaparte William Holden in alley with cat behind him

Finally a cat is sitting on the table to one side eating as the family enjoys a meal together.

Golden Boy - family eating with cat on side table

Final Mewsings: Back fence cats know how to fight and make music.

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