Green Acres – “It’s Human to Be Humane”

Original Air Date: February 1, 1967

Directed by: Richard L. Bare

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!

Synopsis: Unable to deal with his wife’s boredom, Oliver (Eddie Albert) arranges for Lisa (Eva Gabor) to become the head of a humane society which leads to even more trouble.

Kitty Cameos: Lisa takes her new position very seriously and Oliver comes home to find the house full of animals. Included in the massive menagerie are several cats.

Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - cats among many animals in living room

There are also cats in the kitchen.

Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - Siamese cat on top of refrigerator behind Lisa Eva Gabor and Oliver Eddie Albert

The cats are featured in one joke in which Lisa complains to Oliver, “Do you know what those cats did with my hotcake stew? They buried it in their sandbox!” “They’re smarter than they look!” Oliver replies.

Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - ginger tabby tuxedo and white cats sitting on bench and chair
Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - ginger tabby tuxedo and white cats sitting on bench and chair as Lisa Eva Gabor complains to Oliver Eddie Albert animated gif

Several of the cats appear to have been used in various shots. A Siamese cat is seen several times, appearing on a chair in the living room, the refrigerator in the kitchen and on the porch with Lisa.

Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - Siamese cat on couch among many animals in living room with Oliver Eddie Albert
Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - Siamese cat in foreground with many animals and Oliver Eddie Albert
Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - Siamese cat and chickens on refrigerator behind Oliver Eddie Albert and Mr. Haney Pat Buttram
Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - Siamese cat running out of house behind Lisa Eva Gabor
Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - Siamese cat on porch with Lisa Eva Gabor

A white cat and tuxedo cat are seen above the mantel in the living room and also on the small chair and bench during the sandbox joke.

Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - white cat and tuxedo cat on shelves above mantel
Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - white cat on mantel behind Lisa Eva Gabor and Oliver Eddie Albert
Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - ginger tabby tuxedo and white cats sitting on bench and chair

The cats, as well as the other animals, were provided by Frank Inn.

Green Acres - It's Human to be Humane - white cat on mantel behind Oliver Eddie Albert

Final Mewsings: Cats will let you know what they think of the food you serve them.

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